Banquet Piece, Pieter Claez

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Technology Expanding the Park Experience

Go ahead and point your QR reader
at this QR code and you will see one of the stations,
The Jose de Jesus Vallejo Adobe,
on the California Nursery Historic Park tour.

I go to lots of parks. I love parks.
I also love computers and the internet and smart phones.

When they all combine, I am super happy.

More and more often, I am seeing QR codes and other technology in the parks. Here are some of my favorites uses of technology in our parks and beyond.

Some tips on using QR codes and QR code readers:
  • There are many free QR code reader apps for smartphones. I used to use Qrafter. The free apps tend to have ads, but Qrafter's ads are not too intrusive.
  • (iPhones will automatically bring up the URL is you take a photo.)
  • Here's how Qrafter works. You "Scan with Camera" and point phone at the QR code. The phone makes a bleep and then you get some options. Choose "Go to URL".
  • Not even sure what a QR code is
  • What about the danger of downloading a virus?
  • And as promised, here is a larger snapshot of the bullfrog signage. If this isn't big enough, then you can click on the image and it will be shown full size.

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