Banquet Piece, Pieter Claez

Monday, August 31, 2015

Calypso's Garden on Ogygia

Odysseus and Calypso in the caves of Ogygia
From Wikipedia
Jan Brueghel the Elder
c. 1616
A great fire blazed on the hearth and the smell of cedar cleanly split and sweetwood burning bright wafted a cloud of fragrance down the island. Deep inside she sang, the goddess Calypso, lifting her breathtaking voice as she glided back and forth before her loom, her golden shuttle weaving. Thick, luxuriant woods grew round the cave, alders and black poplars, pungent cypress too, and there birds roosted, folding their long wings, owls and hawks and the spread-beaked ravens of the sea, black skimmers who make their living off the waves. And round the mouth of the cavern trailed a vine laden with clusters, bursting with ripe grapes. Four springs in a row, bubbling clear and cold, running side-by-side, took channels left and right. Soft meadows spreading round were starred with violets, lush with beds of parsley. Why, even a deathless god who came upon that place would gaze in wonder, heart entranced with pleasure.

(Robert Fagle's translation of the Odyssey)

more on Calypso in wikipedia

André Dussarthou illustration of Ulysses leaving Calypso
in the The Odyssey

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