Banquet Piece, Pieter Claez

Sunday, June 9, 2024


This photo appeared on JSTOR "Who Took the Cocaine out of Coca-Cola?" 

I can't take my eyes off that yellow rose in this Coca-Cola advertisement. If this was an advertisement from the 1890s what rose would that be? "Soleil d'Or" was introduced in 1900. Today we would not be surprised at seeing a yellow rose, but back then roses were generally white, pink, and red. Yellows and oranges came to the rose world after 1900. Perhaps the date on the advertisement is incorrect? Perhaps artistic license?

Hilda Clark is the model.

Some time ago, someone posted these cards on Paul Zimmerman's facebook group. Some are around the same era, so we can enjoy some beautiful roses, too.

Mme Edouard Herriot, Pernet-Ducher 1912 In The Garden 1913

Beauté Inconstante, Pernet-Ducher 1892 McGregor Floral Gems 1896

Soleil d'or, Pernet-Ducher 1884 By Guillot in Revue Horticole 1900

Souvenir de Mme Eugène Verdier, Pernet-Ducher 1894, By L. Poncet in Journal des roses, 1895

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